Author Archives: timekeepsticking

Taste of Nazare

Sparkling white walls,

splashed with colours of the land and sea;

Ever changing intriguing sky,

from ominous clouds to blue up high;

Chitter chatter and wild banter,

um cafe and um pastel de nata;

Old fellas sharing their second hand smoke,

telling tales of long ago;

Gentle feline friends wander the street,

soaking the warmth of the stones to their feet;

Bom Dias and bom tardes permeate the town,

unknown dialogue slowly becomes a familiar sound.


Bird, book, flower

Fly little one, into a literary life, allow your beak to nudge words of wisdom, activate a magical dance between the captivating letters waiting for embrace.

As you flit from flower to flower, spread the fables with brilliant colours amongst all who have their eyes wide open.

And when you see those with closed lids, gently flutter your tail feathers against their cheeks, reminding them to truly see.

As they open to receive, their world will expand, inviting more joy, more adventure, more solace and pain.

Yet they will live in wonder, igniting their minds once again.

As children we know exactly what to do, our imaginations run wild, we create places to live, songs to sing and characters to be.

As we leave childhood behind we lose grip of our wondrous minds, forgetting what it’s like to dream beyond what’s facing us today.

Little bird, fly, remind us how to create. Help us write a more playful chapter so we can radiate.


Bird, book, flower (prompt)

Is this the secret?

In silence we see

In darkness we hear

Stillness embraces our fears.

When we understand none of what is spoken,

We blind our filters for a moment.

We allow our body to experience a sense of relaxation,

To come back home.

No judgement, no desires, just presence.

This one bites

Sun, shade, peace, truth

Hidden beneath the evident proof

Shimmy, shine, glisten, glow

Where it dwells no one knows

Pitter patter, spitter spatter

What is the moment that really matters

This is now, that was then

This is the time to start again

Breathe in breathe out

Live with or live without

Heal your heart, hold your hand

See the beauty of this land

Go within to heal your soul

Now is the time to relinquish control

Smile, laugh, feel the joy

Life is a magical experience to enjoy

Bare necessities

What is simple?

What is free?

What will it take to express me?

What is calm?

What is peace?

What will it take to truly release?

What is now?

What is then?

What will it take to truly lean in?

What is Joy?

What is pain?

What will it take to be strong again?

What is love?

What is loneliness?

What will it take to be in true bliss?

What is real?

What is divine?

What will it take to be aligned?

Surrender into love

Surrender into life

Breathe into love

Breathe into life

Embrace love

Embrace life

Only a story

I always knew one day this would just be a story we tell, a moment in time, a capture of historical quell.

We don’t remember it all, the pain subsides, the memories fade as each day journeys on.

As we try to share the experience of those past days, they seem nowhere as severe, in fact we start to question our recollection with revere.

Was it really that bad? Why did it seem so suffocating and yet now we doubt our suffering.

Being trapped in a vicious vortex with no way out, looking from the inside, pining to be out there, out where we thought life was safer, especially for our sanity.

We rushed out for our daily walk to calm our minds, yet when we entered the dystopia we quickly realised that perhaps home provided more solace.

Being reprimanded for coughing, sitting and wandering too far, for those of us who love freedom, this straitjacket brought us down.

First the body, then the mind, crumbling day by day. Our determination and strength beaten moment after moment.

Feeling weak and like we didn’t matter, hiding in the shadows of the master puppeteer. We bowed down through exhaustion and become a victim of circumstance.

Feeling crushed, battered and bruised, like there was no way out. Finally the veil was lifted, then trepidation seeped in and bashed us about.

Trust was demolished and reluctance ruled our reemergence. Slowly we reentered an unknown confusion.

We didn’t know what to expect or what we would find. we hoped it would be a world more kind.

Step by step we settled in to a new way, to a slower pace and a deeper gratitude for each day.

The things we took for granted we appreciated much more, we loved to go out yet we loved home a little more.

For this is where we continued to feel most safe, the place where even though we met more shadows of ourselves than we had ever known, we knew this was coming home.

We can now see this as a gift, a chance to slow down, truly get to know ourselves, see the world around us with smiles and frowns.

We now have time to share compassion and embrace others for their humanness, for their own uniqueness.

So many lessons were thrown our way, so many moments to go deeper each day.

Here we are now, a couple of years later, taking it all in our stride and making life matter.

We nourish our souls and our minds and remind ourselves to be gentle and kind.

It’s time

As the sun shines brightly in her eyes it reminds her of a time when life seemed lighter and calmer, when decisions were more simple and had less impact on so many.

She bows her head and tears fall gently from her cheeks smudging the wisdom captured in biro on the page as she stares at it in solemn solitude.

She thought life would always be better than this, she dreamed of a life of grandeur, of luscious living and opulent indulgence.

She reminds herself of the stark, naked truth. Here she is, in yet another bind, a moment in time which feels like it may never pass. She sits here alone, lonely.

She was so close this time. She could taste success. She smelt it in the morning pancakes she devoured for the past 17 weeks. And now, it’s all gone.

She glances out the window and something captures her attention. She sees a flutter, something she can’t really see. It comes and it goes.

She slowly rises to her feet, something she hasn’t felt like partaking in for the last 3 days, when all she wanted was to hide in the darkness so no one could see her pain.

She takes one step, and then another. She is slow, this is the most movement she’s experienced all day, but she can’t help feeling a slight sense of wonder. She wants to know.

She is surprised because she hasn’t wanted to know anything in particular for far too long. She knew if she knew the truth she wouldn’t like the truth, so she’s avoided it at all costs.

She runs her hand across the window sill and gathers a small amount of dust. She taps the glass and feels the coldness of the outside seeping indoors.

She leans her burning cheek against the smooth pane and immediately feels a deep sense of relief.

She sighs like she has never experienced in her life. It’s such a release she frightens herself with her audible expression.

She instantly feels calm and back in her body. She forgot what this felt like. To be home. To be here where she belongs. To feel her heart beating slowly and without longing.

She blows warm air onto the canvas and carefully traces her finger through the fog. She sees a heart reflecting back to her and she knows.

She knows this has now passed.

She knows this moment is where she now starts.

She knows she is ready for the beauty to be seen once more.

She knows she has everything she needs to be sure.

She looks herself in the eyes and makes a promise right there and then.

She commits to love herself, loving from within.

She knows this is who she truly is.

She knows her life can feel like bliss.

She knows when she really feels her heart,

She can ignite her passion because love is where it starts.

Less is More

People are interesting to watch

They seem to care but are often lost

We think they are invested more than they are

Embellishing connections from afar

Distance makes the heart grow fonder, is a familiar saying

But when you look closely it feels like a game they are playing

When you are here they don’t have the time for you

Yet when you are away they miss you

Is it you they want, or the attention you bring?

Is it to curb their loneliness or such a thing?

It’s hard to know the true motivations of another

It’s almost impossible to remove their armoured cover

Just when we think we know them better

They throw another spanner to blur the picture

Connection is sometimes difficult to obtain

When the other is not aligned the same

That’s ok though, we need not fear

We don’t need everyone to share

It’s better to have fewer but deeper connections

Rather than counting up your collections

Energy flow

It starts with a stop and stops with a start

It opens you up and pulsates your heart

You don’t really know why you feel it so strong

But you trust it at times to help you along

Sometimes it feels so deep and disturbing,

you have to take notice

Then it dissipates without even boasting

It shifts inside and leaves a yukky feeling

It seems in disguise and it’s unnverving

It’s gentle then fierce all at once

The only way is to fully trust.

Ask what it wants and what it needs

Then embrace the message it leaves.

Finding the magic

In guidance it comes,

it takes you away,

it leads you where you need to go

as long as you don’t want it explained.

Just listen and feel,

believe in its truth,

let it take you further a field,

and don’t look for proof.

There is no evidence to approve in this way,

there is no lightness to wash away the day,

allow the sun to do its thing.

Allow yourself to be in tune,

don’t question the flow that seeps through,

don’t question the ability to be fully you.

You are the one who brings light to your day,

you are the one who brandishes the darkness away.

When you hold your own hand, it is clear to see,

that you are the one holding space for you to be.

Be you, that’s all you can be,

be you, don’t try and be me,

the you that you are, is magic revealing,

the you that you are, is the story unfolding.

The you you are becoming,

is a treat to your heart,

The you you are becoming, is a dream from the start.

The truth is that you are you,

you are who you were always meant to be.

Listen to your heart,

listen to your soul,

listen to what it is that has a hold.

Let it go.

Let it be free.

Allow yourself to step into the brilliance to be.